Pescadores con redesPhotos: Ernesto Bolado Martínez
Pescado fresco
Journalism to Raise Environmental Awarenes
Photo Essay
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By Ernesto Bolado Martínez*

Up until a few decades ago mangrove wetlands were considered to be useless and worthless tracts of land emitting putrid odors and acting as insect breeding grounds. They might be better utilized if they were cut down to make way for more farmland, urban develop-ment or aquiculture ponds.  Most recently, mangroves are being replaced by marinas and tourism development.

Today, science has shown that man-groves offer an huge number of benefits and valuable ecological services, some economic and others just by virtue of their presence.  This raises the idea that it would be more beneficial to conserve mangroves than to destroy them.

* Director, SuMar-Voces por la Naturaleza, A.C.

Valor de los servicios ambientales de los manglaresValue of Environmental Services Provided by Mangroves (in US Dollars): control of environmental disturbances ($8240) [Source: Constanza]; waste treatment ($6696); habitat and refuge ($169); food production ($37,500) [Source: Aburto/Ezcurra 2008]; other products ($162); recreation ($658). Total per hectare of mangrove: $53,425.
Mangroves Provide Environmental Services

They are temporary or permanent habitat for important commercial
fish species.