Links to Other Baja Resources

This page contains a compilation of the links found in the ISSI pages as well as additional resources. Links to educational materials can be found in the ISSI archives.

See this new page for links to Baja community informational sites (added Sept 2010).

Check back regularly for updates to this page. Please let us know of broken or outdated links and if you have an appropriate link that could be added.

Islas del Golfo Protected Area

Loreto Bay National Marine Park

Valle de los Cirios

Amigos de Cabo Pulmo  
(local Cabo Pulmo NGO)

Sierra de la Laguna Reserve

Sierra San Pedro Mártir

Vizcaíno Reserve 
See a description of the park
Ve la descripción del parque



Asupmatoma (see this volunteer opportunity for 2014 +)

Grupo Tortuguero

International Sea Turtle Society

Magdalena Baykeeper (San Carlos, BCS)

National Geographic Sea Turtle Gallery

Save the Turtles
(see guidelines for good turtle beach etiquette)

The Science Exchange - Intercambios Científicos at San Diego State University sets up internships in Baja California and other parts of Latin America to work on sea turtle conservation.

See Turtle Conservation Travel (a non-profit ecotourism project that brings travelers and conservationists to key turtle hotspots)

Tortugueros Las Playitas, A.C. Todos Santos, B.C.S. (adopt a baby sea turtle, volunteer)




El Vallecito (short description en español)

Article on baja paintings by Mark Rose

Sierra de San Francisco (Site by ProNatura)

"Todo sobre las pinturas..." Article in Spanish from México Desconocido magazine

"Una ruta de arte rupestre en Baja California" (article in Spanish from México Desconocido magazine on northern art)

Bilingual blog of the Mula Mil journey by mule (2013-14)

Antigüedad del arte rupestre de Baja California (Dec 2002) INAH.  Comunicado de prensa.

Corazón Vaquero/The Heart of the Cowboy: A Journey into California’s Final Frontier

Crosby, Harry (1997). The Cave Paintings of Baja California: Discovering the Great Murals of an Unknown People. Sunbelt Publications.

Pinturas rupestres más antiguas de America.
(May 2008).  INAH

Una introducción al arte rupestre
(An introduction to rock art - Spanish only)


Baja Discovery
(U.S. company: whale watching, caves, ecotours)

Casa Leree Bookstore
(San Ignacio; guesthouse no longer in service as of 2014))

Ignacio Springs B&B
(yurts in San Ignacio)

Links to Northern Baja Calfornia eco-operators

Mario's Tours
(local whale watching business in Guerrero Negro)

Meling Ranch
(Sierra San Pedro Mártir area guest ranch)

Mulegé Tours
(local business in Mulegé: La Trinidad & San Patricio sites)

Pachico Ecotours
(local business in Laguna San Ignacio: whale watching, kayaking)

Tour Baja
(Paddling SouthPedaling South
Saddling SouthBaja Sailing)

Hotel Mar y Arena (local business in Puerto San Carlos) or on Facebook (Whale watching, hotel, restaurant, group transportation from Loreto or La Paz)
Tel: 613-136-0599 (from the USA: 011-52-613-136-0599) English spoken.



Aeromedicos Santa Barbara &
Flying Samaritans
(Volunteer medical missions. A great way to volunteer or donate to improving public health in remote areas of the peninsula)

Eco-Alianza de Loreto, A.C.
(network of activists working on issues affecting Loreto and the peninsula)

Eco-Educadores Verde y Azul
de B.C.S. A.C.
(NGO founded by Patricia Baum in Todos Santos, B.C.S. who uses “field service learning and…media to get young people excited about the environment”)

Grupo Tortuguero
(network of turtle activists, NGO’s, ecotourism)
See also: Grupo Tortuguero research archive

(National Outdoor Leadership School)

(Wetland conservation in northern BC) in Spanish

Ramsar Convention on Wetlands homepage

Sea Watch
(issues affecting the seas and its inhabitants in Baja)

SEE Turtles 
(adopt-a-sea-turtle, peninsula-wide activities)

Sociedad de Historia Natural Niparajá, A.C.
(La Paz, BCS)


(land purchase/conservation in northern BC)

(peninsula-wide activities, media blitzes)


Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity)—responsible for managing protected areas

Comisión Nacional de las Áreas Naturales Protegidas (National Commision on Protected Natural Areas)

Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente (Federal Prosecutor for the Protection of the Environment)—Mexico’s judicial branch of the environmental protection agency  

Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources—Mexico’s legislative branch of  the environmental protection agency.
See also: SEMARNAT digital library of resources (Spanish only)


Almost an Island: Travels in Baja California (1998). Bruce Berger. University of Arizona Press

Baja California Plant Field Guide (3rd edition). Jon P. Rebman & Norman Roberts (2012) Sun Belt Publications. ISBN: 0916251187   ISBN13: 978-0916251185

The Baja Highway: A Biology and Geology Field Guide for the Baja Traveler. (1991) John A. Minch. John A. Minch and Associates.

Off-Trail Adventures in Baja California: Exploring Landscapes and Geology on Gulf Shores and Islands (2014). Markes E. Johnson. University of Arizona Press.

Sea of Cortez Marine Animals: A Guide to the Common Fishes and Invertebrates Baja California to Panama (1998). Daniel W. Gotshall.  Sea Challengers.

Guide to Marine Invertebrates: Alaska to Baja California, 2nd edition (revised) (2005). Daniel W. Gotshall. Sea Challengers.

A Desert Country Near the Sea: A Natural History of the Cape Region of Baja California (1987). Ann Zwinger and Herman H. Zwinger. University of Arizona Press.

The Log from the Sea of Cortez.  John Steinbeck. Penguin Books

The Forgotten Peninsula: A Naturalist in Baja California. Joseph Wood Krutch.  University of Arizona Press.

Articles and Photos

Great photos of Baja California and other southwest US rock art (English only)

Photos from Harry Crosby on Baja's rock art

Saving Sea Turtles from the Ground Up: Awakening Sea Turtle Conservation in Northwestern Mexico
